Dances: September to May Time: 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM

2nd and 4th Wednesdays: Royal Oak W.I. Hall
4516 West Saanich Road


Colwood Community Hall
2219 Sooke Road Victoria, BC


Time: 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM Upstairs - Old Fire Hall beside Colwood Community Hall
2219 Sooke Road

Contact information:

Garry Dodds

Home: 250-479-7989

Cell: 250-516-6525

History of Star Twirlers

Square Dance Club

In 1977, there were a large number of experimental moves and quarterly selections being recommended and used by some areas and some callers.  At the same time, a young man by the name of John Corrigan was trying to learn to call.  His tutor, Garry Dodds, was also learning a new method of calling and both needed dancers to work with.  A group of dancers including Hans & Alison Brock, Allison Wilson, and Al & Lois McLean agreed to dance for John and Garry, if Garry would also teach these new experimental moves.

About this time Callerlab established a new program of moves called Plus 1 and another one called Plus 2.  As Garry & John progressed, and taught the moves from these lists, the group of dancers involved expanded.  In 1978 the decided to form a caller run club to dance at the Plus 2 program and the Star Twirlers were born. The club has continued to follow the Callerlab Plus program including helping Garry with his work on the Plus Quarterly Selection committee.

During the first years, the group danced at St. Columbo Church hall on Burnside Ave. Soon this little hall became too small and the group moved to St Martins Church on Obed Avenue.  It remained here until 1998 when Colwood Hall became available and the club moved  to Colwood.

In the spring of 2000, Pat Zeeman started attending the club and doing guest cues.  In the Fall of 2000, Garry asked Pat to become a regular cuer for the club so that rounds are now a regular full part of the evenings program.

After completing a Plus class in January 2013, we started an A1 class followed by an A2 no holds barred tip. The group has completed the A1 program and is slowly adding a few A2 moves. We have about 3 squares of dancers at this point.

In May of 2013, the Star Twirlers celebrated 35 years of dancing with a big party and with 10 squares of plus dancers attending.

The Star Twirlers then hosted a BC Mini Festival in the summer of 2013. "OCEANSIDE 2013" featured Plus Program and A1 and A2 workshops and dancing. Round dances were included in the evening dances. Another first was to have a feature caller and cuer for the Saturday afternoon and evening. We were honoured to have Jerry Junck as our featured caller and Stu Hemmings as our featured cuer.

Over the years,the club has hosted  Daryl Clendenin of Portland Or. (And Mesa Arizona) and Jerry Junck of Nebraska for the final dance of our summer dance program.


Life members of the club include Lois McLean